Get to know us!

  • Ajo online is sponsored and mentained by Alghurabaa center which is anislamic organisation in ogun State. It's other sponsors include LOAN HALAL which is the managing organisation and the account number of which shall be officially used for all transactions.
  • Al Ghurabaa center is a religious and humanitarian organisation over seen by Abu Abdur Rob (Engnr.). We have previously published both religious and humanitarian web applications some of which includes Iteloye (Muslim cemetary finder), wasiyyah diary (which allows you to save your and other secrete things only known to you somewhere which you may loose anytime for them to recover), my orphan (orphan care web application where you have access to send money directly to orphan's guardian's account details) and others.
  • Upon registration you implied and aggreed to have read this page throughly and agreed to or terms.
  • We keep your money with the CBN (central bank of Nigeria) by using registered and recognised banks to them viz: monie point and momo.
  • A one time registeration fee of 500 Naira will ONLY be deducted from your savings during your first withdrawal WIHOUT THE MAINTENANCE FEE which is given as welcome gift.
  • Users are to add a sum of 20 Naira (monie point stadard trasanction fee) to their transfers. If not done, we or our system shall deduct this fee upon withdrawal. This is same as when you save your money in your regular bank directly.
  • Charges starts from the second withdrawal and a sum of 25 Naira is charged every month on savings as maintenance fee notification fee.
  • We will never tolerate any scrupulous activities such as trying to steal information or
  • Incentives are given every 3 months with two conditions viz:
    Membership and transaction for at least 3 months. Inccentives are only sent to users' virtual wallet from where they can request to transfer them to their account with us to be withdrawn seperately or together with thier main money.
  • As part of our security mesures, you would not be able to take your money with a different bank from that which is known to us from you. You can always edit your data or contact our customer care agents on such.
  • Beware of scam! No Ajo online agent will ever ask you to send or reveal any sensitive information related to your transaction therefore do not make any transaction or have any personal discussion other than through the platform.